Yes, Fresh!

Welcome to Yes, Fresh! - Your Local Source of Organic Freshness!

Step into a world where every crunch is cleaner and every bite bursts with the pure essence of nature. At Akoben & Co., we're not just about fresh produce; we're about bringing you the healthiest, most sustainable options available. Yes, Fresh is our locally available, seasonal fruit and veggie selection for the greater Los Angeles area. Specializing in organic, non-GMO fruits and veggies, our selection is curated to ensure that you enjoy the finest nature has to offer, with the added adventure of exotic fruits from our specialty partners. Dive into freshness that not only tastes better but aligns with your values for a healthier planet.

Why Choose Yes, Fresh?

  • Organic and Non-GMO Commitment: With a steadfast commitment to organic, non-GMO produce, we ensure that every item you receive is free from harmful pesticides and genetically modified organisms. Our dedication to clean, sustainable farming practices means you're not only nourishing your body but also contributing to a healthier earth.

  • Exotic Finds: Beyond our wide range of local produce, Yes, Fresh! is your gateway to the exotic. Discover unique fruits from across the world, perfect for those looking to explore new tastes or recreate a cherished memory from a distant land. From the creamy richness of durian to the tart sweetness of dragon fruit, our exotic selections are sure to intrigue and delight.

  • Local and Global Goodness: We blend the best of both worlds by offering locally sourced vegetables and unique, hard-to-find exotic fruits. This ensures a spectrum of flavors and nutrients, catering to every palate and dietary need. Whether you’re crafting a traditional meal or experimenting with global cuisines, our produce serves as the cornerstone for your culinary explorations.

  • Convenience and Quality: Choose from local delivery or pickup options for utmost convenience without compromising on the freshness or quality of your produce. Every order is handled with care, ensuring that it arrives at your doorstep or is ready for pickup at the peak of freshness.

How It Works:

  1. Explore & Discover: Our online store is a treasure trove of the finest organic, non-GMO veggies, fruits, and exotic discoveries. Take your time to explore and select what resonates with your taste and values.
  2. Delivery or Pickup, Your Choice: At checkout, opt for local delivery or pickup based on your preference. We prioritize your convenience, ensuring that your order is fresh and fabulous, awaiting your enjoyment.
  3. Savor the Goodness: Unpack a world of flavors, knowing that every bite is a step towards a healthier you and a greener planet. Your kitchen has never been more exciting!

Be Part of Our Green Revolution:

Join Akoben & Co. in making conscious choices that benefit your health and the environment. Sign up for our newsletter for the latest on our organic, non-GMO offerings and exotic arrivals. Connect with us on social media to share your culinary creations and to be inspired by a community of like-minded individuals.

Akoben & Co. is more than a store; it's a movement towards sustainable, healthful living. Let every meal be a testament to the purity and thrill of what the earth naturally provides. Start your journey to vibrant health and exciting flavors with us today!